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  About Us

In 2002, IPC INDUSTRIES commenced in Permas Jaya as a Engineering Plastic and aluminium industry stockist. As a stockist and supplier, we provide an ever-expanding range of product and services demanding local and oversea market.

We have been serving customers in a wide range of industries including Semi-conductor or Precision Machining, hard Disk Drive, Marine, Switchboard and Automotive. We are constantly stepping up our service standards by optimizing material usage through accurate selection or recommendation of engineering plastic and aluminium. We may be young but we have proven that we can complete with the best and successfully carve out our own highly profitable niche in a very competitive business arena.

In order to match customers’ development speeds and the shortening of product life cycle. IPC has established a highly production workforce able to respond quickly to work jointly and creatively with you.

You can expect consistency in the excellent of our products and value-added services that cater directly to your needs and meet all your requirements.

Our Manufacturing Mills